Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Portfolio Pictures

OK so I am trying to figure out the Models for my Small world portfolio. Here are a few for a start.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Serial Photos

This was a little harder then I had originally started out with...I was struggling with the subject and keys popped in my head since i was cleaning the house out to sale so I kept finding all theses keys. So I figured I would just take pics of keys and be done with it...well it was flat to me. So while cropping them to fit the page I saw piece parts of the keys and locks were more interesting to me then just the keys. so bingo I have my serial. the first photo is what I ended up with, the second is what I started with...

Black on Black and White on White assignment

ok well here is my attempt.
I used window light for both of my pictures.
For my white shot I used my Jack Russel - Auggie and her favorite bed. I cropped tighter then I usual of the picture. I'm just liking cropped shots better right now so I guess it is a phase I'm going through. Auggie is a really good model since she old now and just wants to lay around and look pathetic. Had a hard time getting the focus to hold since white is really not a good focus color.
The Black I struggled with a little and had some black velour and decided to shot my Nikon D300 with my Canon G16. The Nikon is what my dad used for his photogrpahy business so it is means a lot to me. I used the window light again for the light. I just changed the shutter blinds to deflect the light to the white ceiling which bounced the light the way I liked it. Had to use a tripod because of the slow speed. Had to manually focus also because the canon was having issues focusing after I pushed the button. I don't use the canon too much and I am trying to learn how to use it. it is mostly my travel camera since the D300 is big, heavy and costly to replace if it breaks.