Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Safari in the Enchanted Forest

How's that for my title?

Here are some additional photos. Ran out day of this post and took these. Flowers are dwindling and they are clearing out the dead brush so it is getting more difficult to find a variety of "models"

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Started taking Photos again

Well it has been awhile since I posted but been laid up with knee surgery and getting moved out of my house. But I'm back. Here are the little guys I saw on the paved walkway in Enchanted Forest. DR and Therapist did not want me walking on uneven ground. I put some pics in that look similar because I just couldn't determine which one to use.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Portfolio safari - day 3

well went back out to the Enchanted Forest again and went to the same spots I shot Friday but was able to get different models of bugs, lizards and amphibians.

 The snake shot was a biggie for me.  If you know me enough I am terrified of snakes.  The joke in our circle of family and friends is that if you need to find a snake send Julee. This was a baby what appears to me to be a rat snake. I saw no rattlers so I didn't think it was a pigmy rattler or baby rattler.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Portfolio safari part dux

So I am trying to continue my safari of finding small bugs / creatures in the world. I went to the Enchanted Forest in Titusville and took pictures in between the rain storms. Some pics are good some are questionable but...I re-shot the lizard on the tree to get the proper orientation of landscape instead of portrait. One other thing is that I found was proof that if a tree falls in the woods, it does make a sound. A tree fell about 50 ft away from me in the heavy brush. Really eerie sound!